Common causes of Palpitations

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Hamilton Naturopathic Doctor |
Common causes of Palpitations![]()
Palpitations can be a scary sensation. Most patients describe them as a fluttering, racing, painless throbbing or just an awareness of the heartbeat. While these may seem random, there is usually something causing them. I’m going to go through the most common causes that I see in my practice unrelated to actual heart issues. Palpitations should definitely be investigated if they are frequent, severe or getting worse and worse and this article by no means is replacing a proper work-up. These are just some of the common reasons I see in my clinic.
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Dr Justin Gallant NDNaturopathic Doctor with a passion for teaching about health. Health detective, health guide, health ambassador and health educator. Categories
Dr. Gallant's office is located in Advantage Chiropractic and Massage
59 Dunsmure Road Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1S1 Phone: 289-808-9076 Fax: 1-289-667-0100 website: email: [email protected] |