For information on what to do about dry itchy skin please click on the read more button below.
Hamilton Naturopathic Doctor |
Most of us dread the winter, partly due to being so itchy. Whatever heating mechanism we use, whether it’s a furnace, radiator, fire place or space heaters, they warm the air up by drying up the water molecules in the air. This means humidity is decreased. The reason we get so itchy is because the water molecules on our skin, in our eyes, our nasal passages and sinuses get dried up as well. This can lead to itchy skin, dandruff, dry eyes, raw bloody noses and sinus pain. Since the humidity is low and you don't drink liquids during your sleep, it's difficult to keep our skin moist.
For information on what to do about dry itchy skin please click on the read more button below.
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Dr Justin Gallant NDNaturopathic Doctor with a passion for teaching about health. Health detective, health guide, health ambassador and health educator. Categories
Dr. Gallant's office is located in Advantage Chiropractic and Massage
59 Dunsmure Road Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1S1 Phone: 289-808-9076 Fax: 1-289-667-0100 website: www.DRJGND.com email: [email protected] |