Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that I see on a daily basis. Just like most conditions, there are several different possible causes and contributors. It takes a thorough, directed investigation to figure out what could be causing your symptoms. I hear so many patients tell me that their doctor told them it’s all due to stress but I disagree. Stress can definitely worsen the symptoms of IBS but it’s rarely ever the cause. Blaming stress for IBS frustrates me because it puts the blame on something that is not under your control and patients get upset with themselves thinking that stress is the cause. They can’t reduce their stress so they think it’s their fault they have IBS, which stresses them out even more. It’s obvious to me that stress isn’t the cause of IBS because I have so many patients who I’ve helped, and even though their stressors are still present, their digestive symptoms are gone. IBS is just a label given when the cause of digestive symptoms has yet to be identified. Click on "Read more" to read more juicy info about IBS.
Dr Justin Gallant NDNaturopathic Doctor with a passion for teaching about health. Health detective, health guide, health ambassador and health educator. Categories