Whether it's sports, exams, relationships or cancer, your attitude is one of the most important tools that you have.
Here are some health strategies to try out as a New Year’s Resolution.
Cut this out, stick it to your fridge and cross the goals off as you conquer them: 1) Walk 5000 steps per day and 10000 steps each Sunday for 1 month 2) Avoid dairy for 1 month 3) Avoid grains for 1 month 4) Avoid sugar for 1 month 5) Make friends with 4 people in 1 month 6) Take a walk in nature 4 times in 1 month 7) Journal all of your thoughts, feelings, philosophies and ideas every day for 1 month 8) Track your nutrition for 1 month 9) Follow a whole foods, Paleolithic or Caveman diet for 1 month 10) Learn something new for 1 month 11) Avoid coffee for 1 month 12) Join a group activity like Yoga, boot camp, trivia or a sports team Whichever accomplishments felt good for you and were sustainable try maintaining them! Click "Read More" if you'd like to know why I'm suggesting these things
Most patients who walk through my door wake up around 1-3am. The most common reason for this is hypoglycemia. Once I get them eating a small snack with protein before bed their sleep-maintenance insomnia usually subsides.
There are several other reasons for waking up around this time but clinically I have seen low blood sugar as being the most common. If having a snack before bed doesn’t cut it and you’re still waking up in the middle of the night you should definitely talk to your Naturopath or Medical Doctor about it, especially if you're having other symptoms. Many people say eating before bed will cause you to gain weight but a small snack may actually help you lose weight as I discuss further down. Click "Read More" if you'd like to learn more... This blog has been adapted from my recent publication in The Sherman Hub, a local newspaper of mine... I'll start off with a quick list of ways to be healthy in the winter and if you're interested in the details click on read more. 1) Shovel safely 2) Vitamin D 3) Get Outside 4) Visit Friends and Family 5) Moisturize 6) Get a humidifier 7) Eat soups and stews 8) Drink warm herbal teas 9) Tips for diabetes or circulatory issues 10) Tips for breathing issues 11) Take immune boosters and antivirals It’s great to be health-conscious but since good health is something we strive for, for almost a whole century, it’s better to take it a couple steps further and be health-empowered! When you’re conscious about something, you are aware of it and it’s possible to make a choice about it. When you are empowered, you have full control over it and can make quality, lasting changes. Here's a list of steps you can take to become empowered over your health (click on Read More for the full blog) 1. Keep copies of your blood work and understand it 2. Know your family history 3. Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to your health, the earlier you find an issue, the easier it is to treat. 4. Seek professional healthcare, don’t peruse internet forums or medical websites to diagnose and treat yourself. 5. Don’t be ashamed or embarassed of whatever condition you have. 6. Understand your condition. 7. Be as open as you can about what’s going on, we have a lot to learn from each other. 8. Be open-minded! 9. Know correct doses for supplements 10. Read labels 11. Join health-empowering websites 12. Keep your health records organized 13. If you have a chronic health condition, keep a journal 14. Get a Doctor that you like and is open-minded 15. Have a team of healthcare practitioners looking after you. 16. Try avoiding the food you love for a month 17. Come see me! (Warning… my imagination is running rampant right now) Picture this! Say a collapse occurs, zombie apocalypse, more realistically government or economic collapse, something like a world war, nuclear bomb or another great depression. Naturopathic Doctors will still have all of the tools necessary to diagnose and treat patients. Nine times out of ten an ND will be able to figure out what’s going on with your entire system after doing a thorough verbal intake and physical exam. Yes we love to order blood work but more often than not we could tell you which lab tests will be normal and which ones abnormal just based on the information you’ve given us, along with what we’ve gained from the physical exam. Click on "Read More" if you like where this is going Here is a brief summary, please click on the read more tab if you would like more information. 1) Streamlining and optimizing dietary, supplement and vitamin intake 2) Faster and proper diagnoses 3) Stress relief 4) Improving sleep 5) Less sick days 6) Improving ability to work 7) We can save you and the health care system money 8) Prevention 9) Availability 10) Real-life scenario
If you’ve ever felt weird while in a hot tub or shortly after getting out of one you should read this. In general those who start to feel all weird while in a hot tub have low blood pressure and those who get it after getting out of the hot tub may have high or low blood pressure.
Blood pressure depends on a couple of factors: primarily fluid/blood volume, blood vessel resistance and cardiac output (the amount your heart has to pump out to replenish your body). I won't bore you with the details. Click the read more tab if you're interested. Well since I just finished 23 years of school and I’m trying to start up a business I have had to resort to living on a pretty tight budget. I know I’m not the only person trying to be healthy on a budget so I figured it was only fitting to blog about it. In order to best educate you on cheap nutrition I will take you back to basic grade school nutrition, forget about all of these super foods and miracle supplements (You don’t have the money for that stuff). The 4 basic things we need from our food are Protein, Carbohydrates (CHO), Fats and Fiber. I'll save calories for another blog. Click on the Read More tab if you're ready to save some money! |
Dr Justin Gallant NDNaturopathic Doctor with a passion for teaching about health. Health detective, health guide, health ambassador and health educator. Categories
Dr. Gallant's office is located in Advantage Chiropractic and Massage
59 Dunsmure Road Hamilton, Ontario L8M 1S1 Phone: 289-808-9076 Fax: 1-289-667-0100 website: www.DRJGND.com email: [email protected] |
This website is intended for educational purposes only. There are no contents on this website that are intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Should you require medical advice, diagnostics or treatment, please contact me or your nearest healthcare professional.